Managing an Award

外部奖励以补助金的形式, contracts, and cooperative agreements are made to NDSU in support of research and other sponsored activities.  The Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) unit administers a number of post-award processes including award review, negotiation, and signature; requests for no-cost extensions, budget changes, PI changes, pre-award spending approvals; and development, negotiation, and signature of subawards.


Notification of Award

赞助商将向SPA发送奖励或意向通知以提供资金.  如果PI收到奖励,则应转发给SPA. SPA和/或创新和经济发展的工作人员将审查每个奖励文件的条款和条件,并将奖励金额与原始提案预算进行比较.  将与项目负责人联系,讨论提案和奖励金额之间的任何差异——可能需要更新的预算或其他证明文件.  If sponsor does not have an award template, an NDSU agreement template can be provided by SPA.

PI Responsibilities

  • Execute the project as outlined in the funded proposal and the terms and conditions of the award.
  • 只授权那些合理和必要的支出,以实现项目目标,并符合发起人的条款和条件.
  • Spend no more than the amount authorized by the sponsor for the project period.
  • 执行资助提案中提出的项目财务计划.
  • 通知SPA任何工作范围的变更建议, 项目负责人或其他主要研究人员, the budget, or the period of performance.
  • 遵守所有适用的大学政策和程序,如旅行, purchasing, employment, contracted services, and compensation policies.
  • 确保成本分摊或匹配承诺得到履行,并及时向赠款和合同会计报告.
  • 确保工作报告(个人活动确认)准确无误, completely, 并及时得到部门的汇报.
  • Oversee the care and maintenance of property procured with project funds in accordance with sponsor guidelines.
  • 报告任何与项目相关的知识产权发展 创新与经济发展 in accordance with policies.
  • Report project progress, including final reports as required by the terms of the award.
  • Review project expenditures regularly and in a timely fashion to assure they are correct and appropriate.
  • Comply with all sponsor rules, regulations, and terms and conditions of the award.

Revised Proposal Budget

如果赞助机构决定为提案提供资金,但金额低于预算中要求的金额, 该机构可能会要求修订预算. 如果资助机构要求PI修改预算提案, 不需要新的提案传送表. The following steps should be completed before submission of a revised budget to a sponsor agency:

  • 已签署的提案传送表(PTF)原件副本
  • 在PTF副本的顶部用大写字母写“修改”
  • 把它附在修改后的预算页上
  • Bring all to Sponsored Programs for re-review and final approval and signature
  • 修订后的预算一旦签署,应提交给主办机构.

 如有任何疑问,请与预算处联系 & Program Officer, phone 231.5259 or email

Compliance Verification

在接受奖项的过程中, SPA将与研究诚信和合规人员进行检查,以确保所有合规项目都已按照授予赞助商和NDSU政策的要求完成.  Compliance items may include IRB, IACUC, IBC, COI,出口管制和PHS FCOI.  Sponsors typically require pending compliance matters to be completed prior to finalization of an award.


All sponsored project awards contain terms and conditions; SPA and/or the 创新与经济发展 staff complete a comprehensive review of all of the terms and conditions of the award.  条款和条件通常包含事先批准的要求, for example for foreign travel, food, or equipment.  They may also contain requirements for budget expenditures and unallowable costs.  Additional requirements may be included for the submission of technical reports that need to be submitted by the PI.  有些条款可能需要与赞助商协商修改.


SPA/业务开发部负责与赞助商进行所有谈判,以获得双方都能接受的条款和条件,使NDSU能够根据联邦法规接受该奖项, sponsor policies, 北达科他州的法律和NDSU的政策和做法.  一般需要协商的裁决条款包括:

  • publication rights
  • intellectual property
  • indemnification
  • governing law/jurisdiction
  • confidentiality
  • insurance
  • payment/invoicing terms
  • termination
  • citizenship restrictions


负责研究和创新活动的副校长是指定的大学代表,签署所有奖励文件.  对外资助的奖励协议的签署权已授予SPA和创新与经济发展部.  如果需要PI或其他管理签名, SPA or 创新与经济发展 will facilitate the additional signatures. SPA will notify the PI and department administrator once the award agreement has been accepted; it is essential that the PI read, 理解并遵守奖励条款和条件.  Prior to sending the award to Grant and Contract Accounting for set-up in PeopleSoft, 研究诚信与合规 staff will confirm completion of any outstanding IRB, IACUC, IBC, FCOI, COI, and Export Control matters.  After compliance verification, SPA sends the fully signed award to Grant and Contract Accounting along with all proposal documents.


授予和合同会计(GCA)将审查授予条款和条件,以确定适当的预算限制和发票要求,然后在PeopleSoft中建立批准的预算.  Any cost share requirements will be reviewed and setup to collect documentation of matching cost share expenditures.  Upon completion of budget, 开发票和成本分摊设置GCA官员将发送带有奖励信息表格的电子邮件给PI和相关部门管理员.  The Award Info sheet will contain a snapshot of pertinent budget information and guidance to follow.

Subawards to External Entities

Within an award, the sponsor approved budget for NDSU may include a subaward to an external entity.  由拨款及合约会计(GCA)设立奖项后, a request to initiate the subaward agreement will be sent to 创新与经济发展 by GCA.  创新和经济发展部将起草分奖文件,并在必要时与NDSU PI协商,与分奖实体进行任何谈判.

Advanced Spending


  • NDSU已经收到了一份合同,但在项目正式开始日期之前,支出是必要的,因此费用将超出合同的执行期限.
  • 在内部设置奖项之前,支出是必要的,但费用将落在奖项的预期执行期间内.
  • Award is already in place but NDSU is waiting on receipt of an incremental funding award notice (e.g. additional year funding).
  • A no-cost extension has been requested and NDSU is waiting on sponsor approval.


  1. 首席研究员(PI)通过向主管(主席/系主任/主任/院长)发送包含以下内容的电子邮件来启动预支费用, 任何金额限制和/或时间限制, 以及发起人资助项目的意向文件.
  2. 如果主管批准了请求, 他们应该包括一个确认,部门/学院承担担保人未报销的任何费用的责任.  该批准和文件随后应转发给SPA,地址为
  3. SPA will review the request and forward approved requests to Grant and Contract Accounting.  批准取决于上述标准以及适用的合规要求(IACUC)的圆满完成, IRB, IBC, FCOI, and COI).


在颁奖典礼上, the PI may find it necessary to move funds from one budget category to another (i.e. “重新预算”)完成发起人批准的工作范围.  如果重新预算是必要的,PI应该完成 Re-budget Request Form and contact their Grant and Contract Accounting Officer for review and determination whether the request can be approved internally or whether sponsor approval is needed.  Grant and Contract Accounting will forward to Sponsored Programs all re-budget requests that require sponsor approval.  Sponsored Programs will work with the PI to gather information and send a formal re-budget request to the sponsor.

No-Cost Time Extensions

A no-cost extension is an extension of the period of performance without receipt of additional funds.  资助机构通常会允许免费延长项目时间.  Depending on its policy, 一个机构可以允许NDSU批准延期, 或者授权机构本身可能需要批准延期. 一些机构还要求延期请求在奖励到期日前的指定时间内提交. 请查阅您的资助协议或资助机构政策,以核实项目是否有资格获得延期和其他说明.  Requests for no-cost extensions should be routed to Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA).  SPA将向保荐人提出延期的正式请求.

如需申请免费延期,请填写并通过电子邮件发送a 免费时间延长申请表 located on the Forms page to 必要时,SPA将审查并请求机构批准.


1. The National Science Foundation (NSF) uses an electronic submission process called 所有NSF拨款的延期申请都应在该系统上启动,并要求在拨款结束日期前45天提交. Once initiated, the extension will be sent electronically to SPA for review and submission to the NSF.  

2. 如果赠款来自USDA/NIFA,请将所需信息提交至 Ona Vig 在NDSU行政预算办公室工作. (This variation is only for PI’s located under the College of Food Systems and Natural Resources, 农业实验站或扩展站.) 

3. The Agricultural Products Utilization Commission (APUC) requires requests to be submitted by the PI. In order to maintain compliance with NDSU policy that requires SPA to submit all requests for extensions to sponsors, the PI should submit a letter to SPA identifying the need for an extension of their APUC project.  SPA将把信件放在SPA信笺上并发送签名.  Once fully signed, the letter will be submitted to APUC with a copy to the PI.  The letter request should include all pertinent details such as the APUC grant number, NDSU award number, title of the project, current and new end dates, 以及延期的理由/理由.  这封信应该通过电子邮件发送到  申请只能持续6个月,并应在项目即将结束或收到最终报告提醒时提交.

 4. 北达科他州农业部要求延期申请以其延期赠款协议形式提交.  请填妥此表格并电邮至  SPA将审核该请求并将其提交给保荐人.  Contact Shelly Sandstrom 索取本表格的副本.

As a general guideline, requests for a no-cost extension should be submitted at least 30 days prior to an award's end date, unless the sponsor, such as NSF, 要求提前提交.  提出请求的理由应提及按照核准的工作计划完成的剩余工作, and provide sufficient detail to support the need for additional time to complete the work.  到期日有剩余资金为 not an acceptable justification.  有关免费延长奖励时间的问题,请直接向 Shelly Sandstrom, phone 231.7258.


当PI或关键人员对一个奖项将转移部门, leaving NDSU, 或将不再参与本奖项下的活动, 就奖助金的处置而言,需要采取适当的步骤.  SPA有一份授权处置表 Forms 网站,将需要完成.  在收到PI或关键人员将转部门或离开NDSU或项目的通知后,尽快填写此表格是很重要的, 作为责任的延续, management and/or transfer/relinquishment of the award rests on NDSU as the named recipient.  NDSU还有责任与赞助商合作,以获得任何必要的批准,以更改PI离职和/或转移奖项所必需的奖项. 


  • 该奖项保留在NDSU,并指定替代PI或关键人员
  • 该奖项被转移到一个新的NDSU部门
  • 该奖项被转移到一个新的机构

Often awards need to remain at NDSU due to sponsor limitations, or the timing of the PI leaving NDSU.  If, for instance, PI在项目的最后12个月离开NDSU, it may be more practical to leave the award at NDSU and issue a subaward to the former PI at their new institution.  这消除了NDSU不得不放弃奖励而赞助商不得不重新颁发给新机构时经常经历的长时间延迟.  对于赞助者来说,简单地批准NDSU的替代PI和批准新机构的次级奖励通常会减轻负担.  Also, it is possible to have a different outcome for multiple awards to the same PI.  That is, 一个奖项可以全部转让, 一个人可能会转学,但有一个分奖回到NDSU, 申请人可在新聘任私家侦探下留在新大,并获得原私家侦探的津贴, 一个人可能只是在一个替换PI下保持完整.
Please contact SPA at 有任何问题,或讨论具体的奖励处置.

Other Changes

Any post-award change request that is not addressed above should be directed to Sponsored Programs staff.

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